알고리즘 - 다이나믹 프로그래밍 l
2024-01-25 Dynamic programming l
2024-01-25 Dynamic programming l
2024-01-24 Greedy Algorithm lll
2024-01-24 Divide and Conquer
2024-01-23 Greedy Algorithm ll
2024-01-18 Greedy Algorithm l
2024-01-12 Sliding Window ll
2024-01-11 Sliding Window l
2024-01-04 Algorithm - Bit Control lll
2024-01-03 Algorithm - Bit Control ll
2024-01-02 Algorithm - Bit Control l
2023-12-15 Algorithm - Bineary Search ll
2023-12-11 Algorithm - Bineary Search l
2023-09-25 Algorithm - order
2023-09-20 Non-linear Data Structures - trie
2023-09-12 Non-linear Data Structures - heap
2023-09-12 Non-linear Data Structures - tree lll
2023-08-22 Non-linear Data Structures - tree ll
2023-07-28 Non-linear Data Structures - tree
2023-07-27 Non-linear Data Structures - Short Cut Problem
2023-07-17 Non-linear Data Structures - Graph ll
2023-07-12 Non-linear Data Structures - Graph l
2023-07-10 Linear Data Structures - Hash Table
2023-07-06 Deque, Priory stack
2023-07-04 Linear Data Structures - Stack, Queue ll
2023-04-25 Linear Data Structures - Stack, Queue l
2023-04-17 Linear Data Structures - Reverse connected list ll
2023-03-21 Linear Data Structures - Conneted layers 1
2023-02-21 Linear Data Structures - Arrays
2023-02-15 String manipulation - 2
2023-02-01 String manipulation - 1
2023-01-31 list, dictionary
2023-01-30 python data type
2023-01-25 big-O
2023-01-20 Coding style
2023-01-19 Basic python algorithms
2023-03-23 Docker for beginners
2023-01-20 Linear regression model
2023-01-18 Machine learning and algorithms
2022-12-14 KoNLPy, RNN
2022-12-13 IDF, Title selection
2022-12-12 CNN, NLP
2022-12-07 CNN : catagorize images examples
2022-12-06 CNN : catagorize images
2022-12-05 About CNN
2022-11-30 Deep Learning: Regression
2022-11-29 Deep Learning
2022-11-28 Complex Matrix, Deep Learning
2022-11-23 XBG, LightGBM, Catboost, Complex Matrix
2022-11-22 Logistic Regression, Optimiaztion, Gradient Descent, Support Vector Machine
2022-11-21 Linear Regression, KNN, Logistic Regression
2022-11-16 Linear Regression, XBG, LightBG, Catboost
2022-11-15 House Price 데이터의 모델링 및 학습, 벤츠 경진대회의 데이터 일부를 전처리
2022-11-14 House Price 데이터를 활용한 Feature Engineering 활용법
2022-11-09 주택 가격 예측 경진대회 데이터를 활용한 Scaling, Transformation, 로그/지수함수, 이산화, 인코딩, 파생변수생성
2022-11-08 자전거 대여 경진대회 데이터를 활용한 np.log1p와 np.expm1를 활용하여 모델구축, 예측 및 학습 진행하기, 주택 가격 예측 경진대회 데이터를 활용한 Feature Engineering과 희소값 탐색
2022-11-07 지난 시간의 titanic데이터의 하이퍼파라미터 튜닝 후 제출, Bike shareing damand 데이터 뎃 실습.
2022-11-02 타이타닉 데이터 셋의 머신러닝 연습.
2022-11-01 타이타닉 경진대회 데이터 셋을 이용한 EDA
2022-10-31 회귀 측정 공식과 하이퍼 파라미터에 대한 학습
2023-02-19 MySQL Study
2022-12-02 프로그래머스 레벨 0단계 문제풀이
2022-11-15 Kaggle의 Medical Cost Personal Datasets의 1위 노트북 필사
2022-11-13 House Price 데이터를 활용한 케글 노트북 필사
2022-11-10 Matplotlib의 객체 지향 방식 코딩과 plot에 대해 알아보자.
2024-02-06 Dart - Functional Programming
2024-02-05 Dart - Object Oriented Programming
2024-02-05 Dart - essential
2023-01-17 Final Project - How did we choose our main subject
2022-11-07 데이콘의 구내식당 식수 인원 예측 AI 경진대회 알고리즘 실습
2023-01-16 End of AI School 7th
2023-01-17 Final Project - How did we choose our main subject
2023-01-18 Careeres in Data Science
2023-01-18 Careeres in Data Science