Linear regression model
⚠️ 해당 내용은 Coursera의 Supervised Machine Learning: Regression and Classification 강의 내용을 정리한 내용입니다.
Linear regression model
Superviesed learning - Regression model
Training set : Data used to train the model
- Notation:
- x = ‘input’ variable / feature
- y = ‘output’ variable / ‘target’ vareable
- m = number of training examples
- (x, y) = singile training example
- ($x^i, y^i)$ = (i)th training example
- Notation:
roadmap of machine learning
How to represent f(function)?
- $f_w,_b(x) = wx + b$ and $f(x) = wx + b$ are the same meaning.
- w, b : parameters / coefficients / weights
- Find w, b : $ŷ^i$ is close to $y^i$ for all ($x^i, y^i$)
Cost function : Squared error cost function
- Commenly used in linear regression